How To Prepare Your Home For The Market



If you are planning to move from one London home to another, here are a few tips to help you prepare your home for the market.

Time To Clean

Before your property hits the market and potential buyer visits are booked, consider cleaning your home. Conduct a deep clean to help your home look in the best possible condition


Fix Up Issues

After cleaning your home and rearranging the purposes for some of the rooms, now is the perfect time to search for any issues that need to be resolved. These could be loose door handles, unfilled holes from old picture frames or any damages that need to be mended


Check The Electrics

As a property owner, you want to ensure that your electrics are in the best condition to reduce any faults that could have unfavourable consequences. Potential buyers will also want to know that the electrics are in the best condition. One way to prove this is through an Electrical Installation Condition Report.


Reasons To Prepare Your Home

Attract Great Interest

Potential buyers more than likely have a checklist of their requirements. These could be factors that they want the home they choose to buy to have. It could be having a driveway, a certain number of bedrooms or garden space.


Reduce Issues On Report

Understandably, potential buyers interested in purchasing a property will invest in an inspector's report of your house. This will show them any areas that need to be addressed urgently or what to be mindful of if they choose to place an offer.


Help Minimise Delays

if a potential buyer asked to see a copy of the EICR certificate, having it on hand ready could work in your favour. The lack of delays waiting to see paperwork requested could help potential buyers with making their final decisions.