Bluehost Review:  Is it Good for  Newbie Bloggers?

Host your website on a fully managed and optimized infrastructure that scales with your business.

While Bluehost offers a range of hosting services specific to WordPress, its shared WordPress hosting packages are a good option for new bloggers looking to keep their costs down.

Key Features of Bluehost

With over 90,000 attacks against WordPress sites happening every minute, keeping your site safe is a top priority. While you can take steps to protect your site by choosing a secure username and password and regularly updating your theme and plugins, you share the responsibility with your hosting provider.

Security Measures

The speed of your site matters — to both visitors and search engines. According to a KISSmetrics report, 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in two seconds or less, and 40% abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load. Recognizing this consumer demand for speed, Google uses load times as a ranking factor for search.

Optimized Load Time

Any downtime on your site can not only damage your brand credibility but also cost you visitors and money. We’re not talking pennies either. An unexpected outage in Amazon Web Services, which lasted for about three to four hours in early 2017, cost companies an estimated $150 million.

99.9% Uptime

Price, security, performance, and upgrade options are important features to consider when selecting a hosting provider for your WordPress blog. With competitive prices, robust security features, and uptimes and load times that outperform the industry average, Bluehost will suit small businesses and individual bloggers who are entering the space.

Our Conclusion


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