
Wake Up to Less Morning Anxiety

Presented by BetterHelp

Between the demands of work and those that come from our friends and family, it’s easy to feel the stress of our modern lifestyle. Yet everyone is affected by stress and anxiety differently. For some, morning is when they feel the effects of anxiety most acutely.

In this article, we’ll investigate morning anxiety in more depth. But know that it’s possible to feel overwhelmed even though you’re taking positive steps to improve your mental health. Sometimes the healthiest thing you can do is to seek support from a therapist or your doctor.

Online therapy is also an option that you may want to consider, especially for the convenience it offers. Meeting with a therapist online means the process can take place in the comfort of your home.

The most important thing is not to hesitate to ask for help if you need it, no one should feel alone dealing with anxiety. Let’s take a look now at some of the causes of morning anxiety and how to start your day in a better way.

Is Morning Anxiety Even Real?

Morning anxiety is very real. Scientists have linked higher levels of cortisol with people who experience morning anxiety. The body’s stress hormone cortisol has been shown to be higher in the first hour of being awake for people experiencing anxiety.

Not everyone who experiences anxiety will have it in the morning, but it’s important to know there are biological reasons why this phenomenon happens in the morning.

Get A Morning Routine

Because people experiencing morning anxiety often feel it peak in the first hour of being awake, it can work well to spend this hour in stress-lowering activities like journaling, exercise and meditation. One way to structure this first hour for maximum benefit is to develop a morning routine.

Find ways to make your morning a no-brainer with a routine. Even though you may have different stress-relieving activities you enjoy, there are benefits to creating a routine and habits that you do on auto-pilot.

For many people, this means waking up earlier and reading or journaling to get themselves into a positive mindset for the day. For others, it may be a combination of exercise and meditation. Scheduling even 5 minutes for an enjoyable activity can give you a boost throughout the day.

Plan Your Day The Night Before

One of the things that can bring on stress for some people is not knowing what they should be working on. Designing your day the night before can alleviate some of the stresses we feel when we’re in the moment and not sure what we need to work on next.

To plan your day the night before, write down what you’ll do the next day before you go to sleep. It’s often advisable to use a good old paper calendar, which can help you avoid social media and wandering around on the Internet. Similarly, you may want to use an old-fashioned alarm clock that sits on your nightstand to avoid grabbing your phone first thing in the a.m.

Set A Real-Time to Wake Up

How many of us set an alarm 40 minutes before we actually need to wake, so that we can hit the snooze three times? Hitting the snooze button can feel defeatist, sort of like you’re giving up first thing in the morning.

Even if you don’t internalize a certain sense of failure by hitting the snooze, you’re absolutely cutting into your sleep time. For many people, not hitting the snooze can help them get another 30-40 minutes of uninterrupted rest.

Try getting an old-fashioned, non-digital alarm clock without a snooze button. Another strategy is to place your alarm clock on the far end of your room so you have no choice but to get up and have less-convenient options for hitting snooze.

Make You’re Getting Enough Quality Sleep

Not getting enough sleep and then feeling anxious in the morning can become a vicious cycle. Because your cortisol is more likely to spike in the morning if you’re sleep deprived, you may wake up feeling morning anxiety that can interfere with your day. Later that night you have disrupted sleep after a challenging day. Same thing the next morning, more anxiety.

Improving your sleep can help lessen the effects you feel from a morning cortisol spike. Start trying well-recommended sleep strategies like avoiding blue light and computer devices before bed. Many people find blackout drapes and sleep masks help them to wake feeling more fully rested. Explore sleep strategies that could work for you.

What Steps Will You Take To Manage Morning Anxiety?

No matter which next steps you decide to take from this list, the good news is there are many effective strategies that may help improve your morning anxiety. Combining these strategies with professional treatment can help you experience even more effective relief from the symptoms of anxiety. Don’t hesitate to explore all of your options in seeking relief from morning anxiety and getting the tools you need to create the life you want.

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety can cause a normal stress response in your body. But often people who are experiencing anxiety aren’t just nervous about an upcoming event. Anxiety can become a feeling of worrying and dread that just won’t go away, which can be a sign that someone is experiencing an anxiety disorder.

If your feelings become overwhelming and interfere with your life, you may be experiencing an anxiety disorder that requires treatment. Know that anxiety is treatable, and there are many effective options when seeking treatment.

What Are Some Symptoms Of Anxiety?

Anxiety can manifest in many different ways. It’s entirely possible that the way you experience anxiety is unlike the more typical symptoms, and that’s okay. Pay attention to the way you’re feeling, and document your symptoms. Know that it’s important to contact your doctor or therapist if your symptoms persist or become so difficult to manage that they interfere with your life. Some of the most common anxiety symptoms include:

  • Racing heartbeat
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Aches and pains that can’t be easily explained
  • Feeling disconnected from symptoms in your body
  • Restlessness and inability to focus
  • Fatigue and irritability
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