
Minimize Your Tax Burden When Moving to UK from the US.

Moving from the US to the UK brings not only a change of scenery but also some important tax considerations. It’s crucial to grasp the intricacies of both US and UK tax laws to ensure you fulfill your responsibilities and capitalize on available benefits.

The US-UK Tax Treaty: A Guide to Double Taxation Prevention

The US-UK Tax Treaty is designed to prevent double taxation for individuals leading their lives between these two nations. This means you won’t typically face taxes on the same income in both the UK and the US. Instead, you’ll generally pay taxes where you earn your income. However, it’s crucial to note that US citizens and Green Card holders must file a tax return with the IRS, even if they reside abroad.

Determining Tax Residency: Key to Understanding Liabilities

Your tax residency status holds the key to understanding your tax liabilities. In the UK, your tax residency depends on factors like home ownership, having a spouse, or dependents residing there. For the US, it’s centered around citizenship, Green Card status, and physical presence. For personalized advice on US tax filing while in the UK, consulting a tax professional familiar with both countries’ tax laws is a smart move.

Minimizing US Tax Liability: A Wise Pursuit

The desire to reduce tax liabilities is natural, especially when dealing with the complexities of international tax law. A deep understanding of UK tax credits and US tax obligations plays a significant role in achieving this goal.

UK tax credits can be refundable or non-refundable, offering deductions from your overall tax responsibility. Examples include the personal allowance, the marriage allowance, and credits for medical expenses, charitable donations, and tuition. These credits can substantially lessen your UK tax liability.

On the US side, tax liabilities may arise from various sources, such as earned income, self-employment income, investment gains, and rental earnings. US citizens and Green Card holders must report their global income to the IRS, irrespective of their residency.

However, the US provides measures to prevent double taxation. One such measure is the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, permitting eligible US citizens and residents to exclude a portion of foreign earnings from US tax. The Foreign Tax Credit allows a dollar-for-dollar credit for taxes paid to a foreign country.

Mandatory Forms: Understanding Your Responsibilities

Forms 3520 and 3520-A, essential for some individuals, concern foreign trusts and substantial foreign gifts. Receiving over $100,000 from nonresident aliens or foreign estates or dealing with foreign trusts may require Form 3520. Being treated as the owner of any part of foreign trust assets may necessitate Form 3520-A. Given their complexity and potential penalties, consulting a tax professional is wise if these situations apply to you.

The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE): A Valuable Advantage

Section 911 of the Internal Revenue Code introduces the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE), benefiting US citizens or resident aliens living abroad. This provision lets you exclude a specific amount of foreign-earned income from US federal income tax. In 2023, the exclusion amount reaches up to $120,000.

Meeting FEIE criteria involves fulfilling either the Physical Presence Test (being abroad for at least 330 days in a 12-month period) or the Bona Fide Residence Test (being a bona fide resident of a foreign country for an uninterrupted period covering a full tax year). Remember, the income must come from work done while outside the US.

Utilizing FEIE can lead to significant savings on US income taxes for expats. Nonetheless, certain income types don’t qualify, and other considerations exist.

Foreign Tax Credit (FTC): Navigating International Income

Managing taxes on international income is intricate, but the US tax system offers mechanisms like the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) to mitigate the impact of potential double taxation.

FTC is a non-refundable tax credit for income taxes paid to a foreign government due to foreign income tax withholdings. This credit directly reduces your US tax liability dollar for dollar. Put simply, if you’ve paid or accrued tax on income earned overseas, you may qualify to subtract that amount from your US tax owed.

For FTC eligibility, the tax must be a legal and actual foreign tax liability, and the income taxed must generate US tax liability. However, there are limits and special rules, and the qualified foreign tax amount isn’t necessarily the amount withheld by the foreign country.

Given the complexity, consulting a tax professional is advisable. They can guide you on FTC claims and help ensure you maximize the available credits.

Foreign Bank Account Reporting (FBAR): Staying Compliant

US taxpayers with financial interests or signature authority over foreign bank accounts should be aware of FBAR requirements. These rules are part of the US government’s effort to combat tax evasion and ensure financial transparency.

FBAR rules demand that US persons, including citizens, residents, and entities, report foreign financial accounts holding more than $10,000 at any point during the calendar year. This threshold applies across all accounts, not individually.

Accounts subject to FBAR reporting encompass bank accounts, brokerage accounts, mutual funds, trusts, and other foreign financial accounts. Reporting is done through a FinCEN Form 114, separate from your income tax return, and must be submitted annually to the US Department of the Treasury.

Non-compliance with FBAR rules can lead to severe penalties. Non-willful violations may result in up to $10,000 per violation, while willful violations could lead to a penalty of $100,000 or 50% of the account balance during the violation, whichever is greater.

Given the substantial stakes, understanding the requirements and your obligations is crucial. If you’re uncertain about any aspect of FBAR compliance, consulting a tax professional is highly recommended to ensure you meet your responsibilities and avoid unnecessary penalties.

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA):

Enacted in 2010, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a significant piece of US legislation aimed at combating offshore tax evasion by US taxpayers.

FATCA requires foreign financial institutions (FFIs) to report information about financial accounts held by US taxpayers or by foreign entities in which US taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest. Failure to comply may result in a 30% withholding tax on certain U.S.-source payments made to these institutions.

For US taxpayers, FATCA impacts reporting foreign financial assets on annual tax returns. It requires the filing of Form 8938, the Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets, if you hold a specified foreign financial asset above certain thresholds.

While FATCA may seem complex, its primary objective is to increase transparency and discourage offshore tax evasion.

Meeting UK Tax Filing Requirements

Understanding UK tax filing requirements is crucial for anyone earning income in the UK, regardless of their residential status. The UK tax system operates on a self-assessment basis, meaning individuals are responsible for accurately reporting their income and claiming any applicable deductions or credits.

The primary tax return form in the UK is the Self Assessment Tax Return. This form is used by individuals to calculate their annual tax liability. The income you report can include employment income, self-employment income, rental income, and more.

The UK tax year aligns with the calendar year, starting on April 6th and ending on April 5th of the following year. The deadline to file taxes generally falls on January 31st after the end of the tax year.


Understanding these requirements ensures you maintain good standing with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and helps avoid penalties for late or incorrect filing. For complex situations or those new to the UK tax system, seeking guidance from a tax professional can provide valuable assistance.

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