
Changes You Can Make To Your Office For A Better Environment To Work

Having a more positive work environment is one of the most vital aspects for increasing productivity and making your business more efficient. After all, the better the workplace, the more motivated the staff and the greater the output overall. There are a wide range of ways you can improve the working environment, from the aesthetics of the place, to the functionality and the features you offer. In this article, we will look at some of the changes you can make to your office in order to make it a more positive environment for everyone to work in. Keep reading to find out more.

Why is a better work environment so important?

The environment that you work in is so important for a myriad of reasons. Your office or workplace is where your employees head every day of the week and the last thing you want is for it to be somewhere that they dread. You don’t want to think about them all having the “Sunday evening dread” and instead that they feel happy and motivated to come into the office. Going to work is a big part of daily life and you want your employees to feel happy. After all, the happier they feel about coming in and the more appreciated they are, the greater effort they will put in in return.

It can help retain and motivate your employees

When you have employees, you want to ensure they are motivated and want to come to work. The better they feel about coming in and the happier they are, the better work they are likely to put in and the higher the chance they will stay working with you. If your employees don’t enjoy coming to work, you could find they soon start looking for a new job and you not only lose a valued member of your team but also need to search for and employ someone else. This can be a lengthy and time-consuming process and can also affect the dynamic of your workforce too.

It can attract new recruits

When you have a great office to work in, word can get around. You don’t want to be known as a bad place to work and by focusing on your employees and the environment they spend their time in, this won’t happen. When you are hiring new people to join your team, you want them to have a positive first impression of your company and look forward to working with you. It’s the matters such as taking care of employees that could mean your dream employee chooses your job offer over someone else’s.

It can encourage innovation and inspiration

The workplace is somewhere that should be abuzz with ideas and creativity, yet the environment plays a big part in harnessing this positively. If the space your employees are working in is dull and uninspiring, those that are working there won’t feel in the best head space to do work. People feel much happier sharing ideas and coming up with new concepts in a space that has been specially designed to encourage this.

It can reduce stress levels

There has never been such a focus on mental health as there is now and the way your workplace looks and feels can have a real impact on this. If your employees are coming somewhere that they dread, is dark and uninspiring, it can raise cortisol levels and make them feel more stressed. By creating a space they enjoy being in, feel calm and collected in and can escape to breakout areas when it all gets too much, it can really help their mental health.

What are some changes you can make to your office for a better environment to work?

There are a multitude of things you can do to your office to make it a better environment to work. This includes:

Focusing on the design of the space

The design of your space extends to both the interior and also the exterior if you can sort it. If you have lots of people that cycle to work for example, why not construct high quality bike sheds for them to keep their bikes in? You can work with a company such as clear amber shop who can provide you with specialist roofing systems to ensure their bikes are kept safe and protected. You can also invest in an outside space to chill when the sun shines, a dedicated smoking area so they don’t need to worry about bothering others and parking spaces if possible.

Have clear set areas for different purposes

When considering the layout of your office, you want to have clear areas for different purposes. Not only is this important for health and safety, but also makes it much easier for navigation too. You will want set areas for relaxation, working, meetings and more. Define these based on what makes the most logical and practical sense. It can be good to encourage your workers to eat lunch away from their desks and make the most of a dedicated relaxation area.

Ensure there’s plenty of greenery and sunlight

The wellbeing of your employees is vital and the aesthetics of your office can help with making it a positive and healthy place to work. Ensure there are plenty of windows offering natural light and if this isn’t possible, that there are more than enough lights to keep the space bright and airy. Add things such as plants to improve the air quality and also boost mood, as well as artwork for the walls that can create a more inviting atmosphere. It’s these simple things that can often make the most difference to a space and your employees are sure to thank you for it.

Think about ways to improve your employees lives while at work

Your employees will spend the majority of their time at work under your care, so you want to make it a place they like to come to. Have a dedicated chill out area where they can relax during the day and encourage them to not eat lunch at their desks. Think about adding facilities such as a good coffee machine and cooking appliances so it’s easier for them to have lunch and refuel too. You could also add in perks such as a games room or a lounge with a TV but this is entirely up to you!

Make an effort to get to know all of your employees

When you own a business that has a lot of employees, this can feel difficult, but it’s important that you get to know every member of your team. This will boost morale and also show that even those that are high up in the company care. In turn, this can encourage workers to put more effort in and feel appreciated. You don’t need to personally speak to every person every day, but you can set up a meeting when they’ve just started to check in and see how they are getting on. You can then just touch in semi-regularly, and make a point of learning everyone’s names and saying hi when you pass them in the corridor. It’s these small things that can sometimes make the biggest differences in a business.

Invest in furniture and tech to help them complete their jobs easier

If people are having to come in and sit on a solid chair and work on a very old computer, they’re not going to feel motivated and could end up getting RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) and be in a lot of pain. It will look as though you aren’t bothered about their health and wellbeing and that their comfort is bottom of the barrel. To avoid this happening, invest in ergonomic furniture such as supportive chairs with adjustable heights and backrests, more modern technology such as laptops and phone systems and keyboards designed to assist with your wrists.

Consider flexible working

While a physical office is important for many businesses, it’s a good idea to consider flexible working. For many, this will offer a much better work life balance and enable them to see their families or get other things done in their day without the long commute time. Flexible working could be allowing them to work from home a couple of days a week (of your choice or theirs) and them coming into the office other times. Even if not everyone takes you up on it, they will appreciate being given the choice.

These are just a few of the things you can do in order to make your office a more positive environment to work in. Whether your staff come in a few days a week or every single day, there are many things you can do to help ensure their experience with you is a positive one. What are some top tips you have for making your office a more positive place? Let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear from you.

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