
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Signal Booster

People are accustomed to always staying connected. Many people need it for work, others for entertainment: communication, watching movies, and reading news feed.

But everyone at least once in their life faced poor quality of the Internet or sound. This is especially noticeable when the signal breaks off during an important conversation or work. If you want to boost your O2 mobile phone signal then this article is for you. We will figure out how to increase its power, choose the right device and always be online.

Cellular signal booster: clear sound and uninterrupted internet

Systems of devices installed in the required territory help to improve the quality of communication. The basis of such kits is a repeater. The essence of the device is to repeat the received signal, amplifying it to a certain power.

The standard set for private use includes:

  • the repeater itself;
  • antennas (outdoor and indoor);
  • cable.

For use in large manufacturing plants or in shopping areas, such a kit is supplemented with auxiliary equipment. But this is rarely required. A typical system with a cellular signal booster is enough for a cottage, cafe, shop, or office.

It should be borne in mind that all devices differ in their technical characteristics, therefore they are suitable for different purposes and conditions of use.

The right choice of equipment affects its effectiveness and the ability to solve the tasks: improve the quality of the sound signal, the Internet, or both.

Factors to consider when choosing a repeater

When looking for a repeater for the premises, buyers are faced with a logical question: which one to choose? After all, each device has its own characteristics. An unsuitable device will make you regret the purchase and lead to new costs.

Therefore, you should understand all the parameters of repeaters, their indicators, and their applications.


This key characteristic is measured in decibels (dB) and reflects the ability of the device to increase the power of the waves. The weaker the signal received by the device or the larger the area of ​​the expected coverage after the exit, the higher this indicator should be.

  1. 50-70 dB. Weak amplification. Such devices can improve the quality of only a confident signal and distribute to 2 antennas within 0,049 acres.
  2. 75-80 dB. Medium amplification. They receive a weak signal and relay it to 3-4 antennas in an area of 0,049-0,098 acres.
  3. Above 85 dB. High level of amplification. Even the weakest incoming waves can be amplified to cover an area of 0,098 acres. In these systems, about 6 internal antennas are installed.

At large production facilities, powerful repeaters are used, the gain of which is enough to amplify waves in an area of up to 2,47 acres. In this case, a network of antennas is used that transmits a signal to all points of the selected zone.

On medium or high-power models, the gain is usually adjustable. Low-power devices, as a rule, have a fixed indicator.

You should not forget that the devices process not only the necessary waves but also extraneous noise. Therefore, as the strength of a poor-quality signal increases, the interference power also increases. This will not lead to the desired goal – a clean and confident connection.

Output power

This indicator is calculated in milliwatts (mW) or decibel-milliwatts (dBm) and indicates how much signal strength the user will receive after the exit. The area that the equipment can cover directly depends on it. The higher the power, the farther the relayed waves will propagate. Of course, the result also depends on the initial strength and gain.

  1. Low level (50-100 mW). The low output power of a cellular amplifier is enough for a summer house, an apartment, a country house, etc.
  2. Average level (100-320 mW). It is used in small organizations, warehouses, and industrial premises.
  3. High level (500-2000 mW). It is suitable for large enterprises with a large number of walls and ceilings.

In addition, to amplify the signal in large industrial enterprises, devices with a maximum power after the output of more than 5,000 mW (37-40 dBm) are used. By transmitting a signal to a network of antennas, the device covers the territory of buildings with a complex configuration of premises.

When choosing a repeater according to this characteristic, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the walls and ceilings are made, the layout, the distance from the operator’s base tower, and the strength of the received signal. The maximum coverage area indicated on the cellular amplifier is ideal if there are no obstacles in the path of wave propagation.

The coverage area is determined by both the maximum output power and the gain, so usually, these characteristics increase in direct proportion. So the capabilities of the equipment system are fully utilized.

Number of frequency bands

Operators distribute signals in various frequency intervals. A few years ago, they used separate cellular amplifiers. This method caused a number of inconveniences: all repeaters needed their own place and connection to an outlet.

To avoid mounting several street antennas, a signal adder was added to the system.

Typically, dual- or tri-band cellular amplifiers configured for 2G, 3G, and 4G standards are used. They provide the user with a confident sound signal and a high-speed Internet connection.

Automatic gain control

Sometimes the output signal of the home antenna is very strong, so the street antenna starts to receive it, or vice versa. As a result, “loopback” can occur, which has a bad effect on the equipment of both the user and the cellular operator. In such a case, it is necessary to reduce the gain.

Often in modern cellular and Internet amplifiers, the functions of manual and automatic tuning are combined. The first is needed to fine-tune the parameters to the current conditions, and the second prevents accidental equipment overload.

Automatic interference canceling

By increasing the signal strength, the repeater amplifies the interference that enters the outdoor antenna. So, the loud sound of voice communication is accompanied by extraneous noise, which sharply reduces its quality. But many repeater models are equipped with an auxiliary option – automatic interference suppression.

This feature not only increases the signal strength but also removes noise, making the sound perfectly clear. The user gets a flawless connection without an unpleasant background.


To avoid mistakes when choosing equipment for amplifying a mobile signal, it is necessary to study the terms of use of the repeater. Knowing the features and parameters of the repeater will allow you to optimally select a kit for solving various problems.

However,  if you use the services of the UK operators such as Vodafone, Virgin, Tesco, O2, and others you can contact the UCtel team of professionals who will help you select, install and configure a repeater to boost your 3G, 4G, 5G signal.

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