
How To Help Your Child’s Hay-fever

For some of us, hay-fever can be nothing but mere inconvenience. A seasonal annoyance that does nothing more than give us a bit of a runny nose. However, for others hay-fever can be debilitating. It can leave sufferers fearing the summer months and dreading days when the pollen count is high.

For children in particular, hay-fever can be a very upsetting condition that can leave them uncomfortable and miserable. For children who love to play outside with their friends in the summer, hay-fever can make this far more difficult and can work to stunt social development. If you’re worried about your child’s hay-fever, we’ve got just the guide for you. Check it out below.

What Causes Hay-Fever?

First, it’s important we learn just what exactly causes hay-fever. The technical term for hay-fever is allergic rhinitis. It is a reaction in the nose where inflammation is caused by airborne allergens, pollen in hay-fever’s case, however it can also be triggered by things like dust and pet hair.

While hay-fever can often present by itself, it is commonly seen alongside other atopic conditions such as eczema and asthma. There are also environmental factors like air pollution that can increase the likelihood of hay-fever.

Hay-fever is a common condition that affects up to one in five people at some point in their lives. Studies have suggested that exposure to animals at an early age could reduce the likelihood of developing hay-fever later in life.

What Are The Symptoms Of Hay-Fever?

Symptoms of hay-fever include a runny nose, sneezing, and red, itchy, or watery eyes. These symptoms can be anywhere from annoying to completely unbearable and can have a significant impact on a hay-fever sufferer’s ability to go about their normal day.

How Is Hay-Fever Treated?

If your child’s hay-fever is severe and requires attention, thankfully there are a number of children’s hay-fever treatment methods available. Over-the-counter products like antihistamines can provide some relief.

However, if these are not working you might have to consider speaking to your GP or a specialist. They can conduct tests to determine if hay-fever is the true cause of your child’s symptoms and can check for any other concurrent atopic conditions. Doctors can prescribe hay-fever treatment products like saline or even steroid nasal sprays. These can be used to bring down the swelling in the nose and reduce the symptoms this causes.

For incredibly severe cases, immunotherapy treatments are available. This is a long-term treatment option that works to retrain the immune system to react normally to the presence of allergens like pollen. However, this is only for cases in which the hay-fever is so bad your child is left unable to attend school or otherwise live their life.


Hay-fever can be an unpleasant condition that can impact on your child’s ability to play outside and socialise with friends. It’s important to be aware of the signs and know what to do should your child display symptoms of hay-fever. Follow this guide and get your child the hay-fever treatment they need.

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