Homes & Gardens

Shower Design Fails – 6 Mistakes We Make When Designing a Bathroom Shower

Let’s avoid these glaring design mistakes when designing our shower and avoid annoying consequences!

Showers are trendy these days to be designed as a so-called “sanctuary”, which, let’s face it, is not a bad trend. But we achieve exactly the opposite if we need yoga movements to get into the shower cabin because we are afraid of slippingon the wet and slippery floor, or if we are under the rain shower and the water pressure is too weak, etc. Unfortunately, it is too easy to make the design mistakes of the shower room, which lead to the above, if we do not take into account the mistakes listed below.

So when you’re putting the showerideaon paper here, it’s worth thinking about more than just tiles and fancy brass. A good bathroom layout can mean the difference between the success and failure of a shower cabin, while ignoring water pressure or saving quality can also lead to design flaws, as our experts explain…

1. Placement of the shower door

Have you ever suffered to get through the cab door to the shower? You’re not alone. The design of the shower cabin is an area that needs careful attention when planning a bathroom. The placement and opening of the shower door can have a great influence on the overall space of the bathroom. It is best to ensure that the shower door opens freely without affecting other key areas of the room, such as the sink or toilet.

All folding shower doors should open outwards into the bathroom with free space at least half a meter wide. In other words, the door opening should be at least half a meter wide, and nothing should stand in its way.
However, we can choose a sliding door and we can decide whether the door opens on the left or right side.

2. Wrong floor choice

Choosing the wrong material for bathroom surfaces can be a costly mistake. The most important point when choosing tiles for the bathroom is “does the tile fit the purpose?” Paving slabs have different surfaces and different levels of anti-slip, all of which affect their suitability. In the case of tiles for bathroom floors, we recommend tiles with a slightly textured surface, and if it is a shower cabin or a wet room, it is even more textured. This ensures that they are non-slip and safe.

A strongly polished porcelain tile would not fit on a bathroom floor, as it is very slippery when wet. However, many porcelain tiles are made in different designs, which means that you can design a polished marble-effect csemp on the bathroom walland a more textured marble-effect csemp et on the floor.

In fact, porcelain is a great choice for a bathroom non-slip flooring if it has the right texture. High-quality porcelain tiles are perfect for use in wet rooms and shower cabins. First of all, they are waterproof, so they are an ideal solution for everyday use. In addition, they are not damaged by cleaning products or other chemicals to which we often expose our shower surfaces.

3. Misplaced shower heads

The position of the shower head can prove problematic even in the simplest shower cabin layouts. Placing it at the wrong height or angle can ruin the experience of showering, not to mention soaking parts of the room that we don’t want to get wet.

When placing the inclined shower head, it is best to direct the shower headso that it hits either the tiled wall or the fixed panel of the shower cabin. Never pointyour way towards the shower door or we may experience a leak.

When choosing a freestanding shower model, it is important to remember that the shower pipe and rail limit the placement of the shower head, as height requirements determine their placement. Make sure that the position of the shower head provides enough space for each member of the family so that everyone can shower comfortably and enjoy a full-body shower. In this case, we recommend the two-head model, which has a rain shower over the head and a separate hand shower on a vertical bar that can be adjusted higher or lower for the children.

4. Poorly adjusted lighting

It can spoil any bathroom experience if we don’t design the right lighting elements here. The most important thing is to use not only one type of light source, and not just one type of color temperature, because this is what our bathroom tasks expect. While a warm lamp is better for a soothing and relaxing bath in the evening, it is also worth using cold light at the washbasin so that we have the right lighting for shaving and applying makeup, and do not forget about the basic lighting of the bathroom. Luxurious lamps also endow the bath with special elegance and can perform all the functions that we need in this room.

We also need light in a shower, it may be worth installing a ceiling light towards the shower, and the light control switch can also come in handy so that we can control the atmosphere of our shower.

5. We do not take into account your water pressure

Too many times we’ve heard stories of disgruntled homeowners who wanted a chilly rain shower, but as soon as they installed it, they were only confronted with drizzling rain. Water pressure can severely limit the flow of water into the shower, so in the end it will be inefficient and unsatisfactory to have an experience. We recommend that before you start choosing a shower, check the condition of your home and the water flow pressure– a builder or plumber can help you with this. Then aska specialist which shower doesn’t workbest in your bath. Installing a pump will facilitate the flow of water when the pressure is insufficient.

The simple eternal rule is that lower pressures require a smaller shower head, if the pressure is too high, you will get a disappointing drip in the middle of your head.

6. Improper waterproofing

If you’re thinking of an open-plan, sill-less shower design — meaning you want a shower without a closed cab — it’s essential that the space is waterproofed and recessed. It involves coating both walls and floors with water insulating material before the cladding is applied to the floor and walls.

If we fail to waterproof the space, will we not only notice soaking on the surfaces, but it can also cause long-term structural damage to the building’s surface?

The floor, in addition to the shower area, must be waterproofed at least a meter in all directions in order to completely block it from the water spray. A jet of water from a standard shower head can reach up to 1.5 m from the center of the shower, and an open-plan water room without a glass wall or a semi-high wall will have little ability to retain water.

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